The race to see who keeps the seat warm for the 2014 winner of SC 01 ends tonight without much fanfare. However one puzzling aspect of race is the $943,000 dollars spend by the DCCC and the DCCC's superPAC, House Majority PAC. Neither candidate will remain in the seat past 2014 making spending almost $1 million dollars on a House seat seem like a colossal waste of money.
If Sanford wins, his losing primary campaign starts in late of November of this year, giving him 6 months of 'governance' before he's running again.
If Busch wins, she'll begin her losing reelection race in February of 2013, giving her roughly 8 months of 'governance' in which she will run as hard right has she possibly can if she really wants to attempt to keep the seat.
No matter who wins it doesn't change the legislative math in either direction, nor does it boost either side's platform. If Busch wins it's because Sanford is a terrible candidate with a horrible past. If Sanford wins it's because the district is strongly Republican. Either way, in 2015 neither Busch or Sanford will be the Rep from SC01 so spending this money only serves to put the DCCC down 500k two years before a serious mid-term election that will see many competitive House seats, with SC 01 not among them.